When you what to start and run online business, Shopify software is good choice. But how to start Shopify store?
Most popular way – sign up for trial account. You can find more info about Shopify trial account here – Free trial. It’s great offer to test Shopify software, become familiar with admin interface, how to add and manage products, collections, navigation, themes and apps. The main disadvantage that trial period is limited to 14 days. And if this is your first Shopify store you may need more time to learn Shopify admin, test everything, improve theme or find needed app. How to enlarge Shopify store trial period? The next solution will answer on this question.
Another way to start Shopify store – find Shopify expert or Shopify partner. And ask to create developer store for you. As for MPIthemes, we are Shopify partner and may create as much developer stores for you as you need.
What is the Shopify developer store? It’s same store as you get with trial account, without 14 day limitation. You can work on your store for three weeks or month or even more and no need to switch to paid account. Switch your store to paid Shopify plan when you ready and not because trial time period is finished. Read more about developer store here – Everything You Need to Know About Development Stores
With Shopify development store you have to perform additional step. Find Shopify partner to start development store for you. But you get unlimited trial period for Shopify store. It’s up to you what suites you best.